Should you brush wavy hair?
Wavy hair always impresses with its natural appearance. The structure of the curls is important in terms of revealing the beauty of the wave in the hair. When the structure of the curls is damaged, your hair will look very fluffy and messy, and an ugly image will emerge.
When the structure of the waves is disrupted, your hair will look unkempt and unhealthy, as well as a very fluffy appearance. This is not a desired situation. Therefore, it is recommended that you never comb it with a brush in order not to disturb the structure of wavy hair. However, instead of brushing after washing, it is useful to comb with a wide toothed comb, a brush with a suitable bristle structure, or with your fingers without combing at all. Thus, the wavy appearance of your wavy hair will not be spoiled. Applying moisturizing cream while combing your hair with your fingers will ensure that your hair is nourished and lost moisture and that your hair does not break. In addition, brushing and combing the hair too often creates friction in the hair, causing the hair strands to break and weaken.
If your hair is slightly wavy, you can safely comb it wet or dry because the structure of the hair will not deteriorate because the waves are light. If you want to brush your hair, you should do it in the most correct way and you need to find the right brush and method. Combing your hair with a suitable brush or a sparse comb while it is damp will make your wavy hair open without tangling. It is also recommended to comb the hair using moisturizers, as it will prevent your wavy hair from knotting and breaking. If your hair is very dense, voluminous and wavy, using these methods by separating your hair into pieces also makes it easier to comb your wavy hair. It is important to consider the handle of the brush you will use to comb your hair and the bristle structure of the brush, in order to grasp the brush while combing your hair and not to break the hair strands.